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Hello, world! I am so glad you decided to stop by. This is my first blog post, and I thought it appropriate to talk ‘dreams,’ given the upcoming Amazon release of my series, Dreamborn.

The title of this post is, of course, a reference to one of my favorite poems, A Dream Within a Dream, written by the great Edgar Allan Poe. “Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream?” Personally, I think EAP was really onto something about the nature of reality. But, I’ll save that for another blog post. Before I was old enough to know how to even question perception and reality, I was enthralled simply with the nature of dreams. For me, dreams have always been vivid, epic, and memorable. From an early age, I was inventing intricate dreamscapes in my mind, which I could often explore or escape at will. As I got older, I learned that not everyone has vivid dreams, and even fewer people can lucid dream. So dreams have always fascinated me both from a scientific and spiritual point of view.

The idea for Dreamborn came to me as a teenager, via — you guessed it — a dream. I even drafted a rough outline of my ideas for a novel in that long-ago time. I was then learning about the concept of astral projection, and my mind circled the idea of this theoretical ability of a person’s consciousness to cross from physical reality to dream. I contemplated Poe’s words and their meaning: that instead of reality versus dream, reality was really just another illusion, just another dream. But, I thought, what if neither was an illusion? What if both physical reality and dreams were just different parts of the same reality? And what if there existed people who had the ability to manipulate the tangible nature of reality through their dreams?

I put the book idea aside for years as I grew from teen to adult, but it remained an itch in the back of my mind. When, during law school, I read about the Oneironauts of Greek mythology (for pleasure, of course; law school tragically does not cover such fanciful subjects as mythology), my love of science and myth spawned some metaphorical poison ivy. I could simply ignore the itch no longer. The result was years of writing and re-writing this sci-fantasy story, which now spans two completed novels and a third work-in-progress. I am excited to share these books with you, and I sincerely hope you enjoy reading them. Be sure to check Amazon on February 1, 2021, for the first book of the series, A Dance of Storm and Starlight. Or, you can subscribe to my newsletter to receive announcements and posts!

On a final note of this introductory note, thank you for helping to make my dream a reality. My little story of dreams is being told. My very own dream within a dream.